The Lunch Box Ladies is a source for all things lunches — from easy at-home ideas to packing lunches to cookbooks devoted to lunch making. It’s a resource for busy people looking to pack better lunches for themselves and their loved ones.
Are you interested in guest posting for The Lunch Box Ladies? Awesome! It’s an honor you’d think of us. We’re always looking for well-written posts from fellow bloggers that help make lunchtime easier.
Here’s what The Lunch Box Ladies looks for in guest posts:
- Topics should be related to lunches specifically. Think lunch boxes, lunches at home, quick and easy recipes for lunches (or packable foods), tips for packing lunches, better office lunches, etc.
- Posts should be at least 300 words long.
- Original content only. We only accept content that hasn’t been previously published anywhere.
- You may include one (1) topical link to your site in the body of the text. Please do not include links to other sites, though you are welcome to suggest them in your pitch. The Lunch Box Ladies reserved the right to also add links to existing stories on our site.
- All posts run with bylines. Please include yours.
- Please also include a brief bio of yourself including links to your social profiles and site with your submission. This should be 2-3 sentences long.
- We will tag you on social in our shares and share you across the interwebs. We ask that you share the post too. A mention on your blog is even better.
Please note that The Lunch Box Ladies accepts guest posts from other bloggers with active sites ONLY.
Still interested? Send your pitch to site owner Sarah Walker Caron at Use “TLBL Pitch” in the subject line so we don’t miss your pitch.
Thank you!